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Finding your passion

I definitely don’t feel like I’m the best person to talk to about this subject 😂
I’ve never really known “what I want to be when I grow up”... except for being a mum. That was all I knew for sure. Over the years I’ve been interested in but haven’t properly pursued:
🔸Interior decorating
🔸Childcare work
🔸Mental Health support work
🔸Teacher’s aide
There are some people who just * know* what they want to do in life and what career they want to have and are so passionate and driven towards it and I am not one of those people. I feel as though I always change my mind and haven’t stuck it out with any of the above career paths.
After having Oscar a question I’ve been asked a lot is “when will you go back to work?” My previous job as a receptionist at a Physio is probably not an option for me anymore so I have been thinking a lot about what comes next for me. What am I passionate about? What do I do well? What is something I will enjoy and feel satisfied doing? I know a lot of us are in jobs we don’t really enjoy but if you had the choice and opportunity, what job would you want to be doing?

The answer I’ve come up with might be surprising for some. For those who know me well might not be as surprised😅
I want to be a home organiser 😂
I’m not talking like a general cleaner/maid kind of thing...
Think more Marie Kondo... for those who haven’t heard of her, she is very passionate about tidying and organising things. I watched her Netflix show and I was hooked! I found a lot of her methods were things that I already did in my home. Just ask my husband haha! I’m constantly cleaning and rearranging things at home to the point where he never knows where to find anything 🤷‍♀️😂
Seriously though I love it. I find it so satisfying to turn a messy room into a clean and organised one. So far outside of my own home, I’ve only worked on my parents and in law’s houses but I would love to keep going and help other people who don’t share my love of tidying 🙊
So watch this space! I really want to stick to it this time! It’s something I’m good at, something I enjoy and something that brings satisfaction when the job is done.
Anyone want me to get started on their home? 😉


  1. I can offer a recommendation - you do a great job of decluttering.
    If only Ineke would allow you to tackle a few more areas in the house

    1. Should’ve taken before and after photos! 😂

  2. .... yes what is ‘talent’ people whose skills lie in the creative area are lucky because people call what they do talent. Yet if you are good at and enjoy organising or people or numbers... you have a job. Dare to follow your interests and dare to love what you do

    1. I think talent is anything you’re good at... sometimes it comes naturally and sometimes it takes years of practice but both are impressive in their own way!


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