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Showing posts from July, 2021


Have you heard of HSP? I’m not talking about Halal Snack Packs 😂 HSP or Highly Sensitive Person is a term used to describe those people who have an increased sensitivity to physical and emotional stimuli. Everything I have read about HSP feels like an exact description of me. I never realised these things were connected.   There are pros and cons about being highly sensitive.  HSPs are wonderful friends because of how in tune they are to other’s feelings. They are great listeners and often give good advice.  However, they are easily offended and don’t take criticism well. HSPs make great employees because of their attention to detail, and they complete tasks to high standard.  Jobs that involve deadlines and quotas may mean they do not perform as well because of how sensitive they are to stress. They are often creative and wise because of how deeply they think and feel. But they are prone to anxiety and depression for the same reasons. Becoming a parent has really emphasised the negat