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Another post about Coronavirus

I didn’t want to post anything about this topic because it’s absolutely everywhere!
In saying that, it’s hard to think of anything else to talk about because of how consuming it has become.
I’ll admit, a month or so ago when I first started hearing about Coronavirus, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I didn’t think it would escalate so dramatically. Now it has become a self-isolating, social-distancing, stock-piling pandemic!

As a Christian, I was brought up being taught that in the “last days” (Before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ) There will be wars, famines, earthquakes and pestilence (which I now know is fatal, widespread disease). These things have been happening all over the world for many years, but I personally have not been affected by any of them until now...

I kind of feel like I’m in a bit of a bubble at the moment...kind of in disbelief. I know this is a big deal. I know it has affected so many lives and will continue to do so. But it still hasn’t sunk in yet... Yes the outcomes of the actual disease are awful, even fatal, but it’s the ripple effect it’s causing I think that worries me most. The fear. The uncertainty. Unemployment. Financial strain.
Many people have already lost their jobs. This may or may not be the last week of work for my husband. What happens next? How long will this last? I’m sure many of you are in this same boat and asking these same questions.

I don’t know about you, but all the news articles, reports and social media posts make me feel super anxious. I tried going off social media for a bit but I didn’t last long. Even though it’s giving me anxiety, I still wanted to stay in the loop and stay “social” whilst practicing isolation (which isn’t much different to my daily routine tbh 😅).

I am grateful for those of you who have been sharing positive things online. We don’t have to let the fear and anxiety consume us. There are things we can do to stay positive and occupy our minds and sharing them online is good encouragement for people like me who are feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all 😅

Our little Oscar hasn’t been well the past few days. I think maybe he is teething. Haven’t seen any teeth pop up yet, but he sure has been letting us know he’s feeling miserable. It is one of the worst feelings not being able to take away your child’s pain. There’s only so much you can do. I’m truly giving him everything I have. All my time, all my attention, all my love and energy. I have been feeling completely drained...
One thing I was really looking forward to was going back to Adelaide to be with my family for Easter. We were also going to see my favourite band in concert while we were there. Unfortunately that will no longer be happening...So that’s my life at the moment. That’s how I’ve been feeling. I really don’t like being negative, but I did want to just say it how it is. Not to seek pity or attention...Just a place to write my thoughts and perhaps some of you might be reading and relate to them.

Despite the challenges we are all going through at the moment, I don’t believe it’s the end of the world (not yet! 😂) We’ll get through this. Being forced to take a step back, take a break from all the “busy-ness”...pause, reflect and spend more time at home might be just what we all needed ❤️


  1. As I understand it, if the social isolation strategy is successful, the cases of COVID 19 infection will decrease just as rapidly as they were originally increasing - let us all hope and pray that this is what will happen


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