It’s been a while!
Just wanted to write an update on how things are going at the moment. I’m happy to say that overall I am feeling better than I have in a long time.
A few weeks ago we upped the dose of my medication and I could feel a difference straight away. What a relief! The medication doesn’t make me feel “happy all the time”...I now feel like I am starting the day at a neutral level rather than empty and depleted if that makes sense.
The postpartum mental health support group I created on Instagram is going really well. It’s been so good for me to have a project to work on, something I am passionate about. It’s also been so lovely to hear positive feedback from members of the group 🥰
Last week I had my first big dip since being on the up. When it was announced that we were going back into lockdown I was very triggered. All the feelings from last year came flooding back and I was a mess. I met with my psychologist and she was able to calm me down and help me see that I have grown since then, things would not be the same as last time.
And I’m doing ok now. I was a bit shaken up but things are ok. Oscar is keeping on my toes as always. He’s full of beans and gets smarter every day!
Hoping that lockdown is much shorter this time and that we can all get on with our lives again ❤️
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