I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic lately and today I was going through my photos and taking a trip down memory lane. I don’t think it’s the healthiest of habits, but I often find myself thinking about the past and longing for certain aspects of my life to be how they once were...
Since having Oscar my days have become quite repetitive and monotonous... especially these past few months in isolation. Even though I consider myself a bit introverted and antisocial, not being able to go out and socialise has affected my mental health significantly. I didn’t really make the connection until restrictions started being lifted and I started going out and doing things again. It makes a huge difference! My moods have been lifted and my thoughts are not so negative. I still have bad days but I no longer feel like I’m spiraling into the depths of depression and hopelessness which I was for a while there.
When I look at old photos there are a lot of things that I miss. I miss my family. I miss the way my body used to look. I miss the days when Jordan and I were dating...it felt so easy and fun with no responsibilities or pressures weighing us down. However... I realise now that I have been romanticising the past. Life wasn’t always wonderful back then. There were still challenges and misery...I’m just dwelling on the good bits. It’s not healthy to look back longingly at the past. It’s important to be in the present and work towards your goals for the future.
In 3 months Oscar will be a year old! Life really does pass by so quickly even when there are moments that feel they will never end. In this moment I am feeling hopeful and optimistic for the future. This pandemic has definitely taught me a lot of important things. It’s been difficult, but I feel like the fog is starting to lift and the sunshine is beginning to peek through again. It’s reminded me of what is important in life and what isn’t. I saw a quote on Instagram the other day that really hit me:
“Instead of saying “I don’t have time”, try saying “It’s not a priority” and see how that feels. “I’m not working on my growth because it’s not a priority.” If it doesn’t sit well, that’s the point. Time is a choice. If we don’t like how we’re spending it, we can choose differently.”
Sometimes we need a shake up of our day-to-day routines to realise what our priorities are.
I hope that as life begins to normalise for us all that we will know what’s truly important in life and make those things our top priorities. The world will be a better place if we do ❤️
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