It’s 1:30am and I should be sleeping But I’m wide awake with a million thoughts buzzing around in my head I thought I’d dust off the old blog and type it all out…I enjoy sharing these things with the world Every now and then I scroll back on my old posts and read what “past Jade” had to say about life. I did that this evening and a peculiar thing happened…I feel like it woke up parts of my brain that hadn’t been used for a while… hear me out here, I’m not going cuckoo I swear 😅 “Past Jade” saw the world differently to “Present Jade”. She was a little more naive and optimistic; her thoughts were lighter, happier, more grateful, more spiritual. “Present Jade” seems to be stuck in some unhelpful and unpleasant thought patterns. Life feels heavy and I often feel overwhelmed and unenthused…focused on my problems, not my blessings. Looking back on my life through “Past Jade’s” eyes made me think about things a little differently; challenging the gloomy and self-deprecating thoug...
Becoming a mother turned my whole world upside down. It’s the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.