I can’t believe it’s almost June! Time flies when you're having...well I haven't really been having much fun lately, but time is still flying! 😅 My blog must sound like a broken record by this point...I'll be "doing well" for a few weeks, then I will inevitably feel as though I've fallen down a hole again. I'm back in the hole right now. My depression feels heavier than it has been in a long time. I struggle to leave the house some days. I withdraw, stuck in a loop of sad, sorry stories I've told myself so often that I've convinced myself they are true. "Nobody loves you" "Nobody cares about you" "You're a terrible mum" "Oscar deserves so much better than you" "You're a failure"...The critical voice inside my head is relentless and unforgiving, continuously kicking me when I'm down. It's incredibly frustrating to be so self-aware, yet feel so paralyzed at the same time... To "k...
Becoming a mother turned my whole world upside down. It’s the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.