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Showing posts from January, 2020

The highs and lows of having a baby

For those of you who don’t know... I recently had a baby πŸ˜… I wouldn’t say that I was naive but let’s just say it’s been so much harder than I thought it would be... I was fortunate to have a pretty easy pregnancy. I only threw up twice the entire time and besides the occasional aches and pains, constant bathroom trips and nighttime heartburn I really didn’t have much to complain about (I still did though πŸ˜‚). Labour is no joke... there are no words to describe the pain of contractions and giving birth. I get flashbacks to that night in hospital and shudder thinking about it...but at the same time I am amazed at how my body was able to do such an amazing thing. Though my mind kept saying “I can’t do this,” my body just knew what to do and Oscar was born quickly and safely without many complications. I used to think that pregnancy and giving birth would be the hard parts (and for some women they are!) but for me it’s what came next that has been an absolute rollercoaster with the m...

We need to talk more about Mental Health

It’s 1am and I can’t sleep. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to say concerning mental health. It’s something that I have strong feelings about and I really want these words to come out right. I want to start by saying that I personally have not been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and in saying that, I acknowledge that I cannot fully understand or relate to those that have. However throughout my life I have been surrounded by many who have and are experiencing mental illness in their lives. I have seen how life altering, consuming and heart breaking it can be. Those reading this post with a mental illness I want you to know that I genuinely care and feel for you and I hope those words don’t come across as patronising or condescending in any way. I’m actually starting to tear up as I’m writing this, that’s how much this topic means to me and how much I want to say the right thing. When I returned from my missionary service in the UK back in 2015, after the experiences...

My first Blog

Let me just start by saying the length of this post depends on how much longer my baby will stay asleep πŸ˜… Do people still blog? Is this still a thing? I’ve always wanted to write a blog but for one reason or another I’ve never gotten around to it until now. I think the main reason I’ve decided to start now is because of how different life is now I’m a mum. I spend most of my time at home with the baby and let’s be honest there isn’t a whole lot of interesting things to do at home with a 4 month old πŸ˜… Life kind of feels a bit like ground hog day at the moment, so it’s good to try new things to mix it up a bit πŸ™ƒ I’ve always enjoyed writing in a journal and I guess blogging is kind of the same thing just for a bigger audience. It’s also a bit nerve wracking if people are going to read your journal you tend to edit your thoughts a lot more and try to sound a bit more eloquent (I’ve been hitting that backspace button more than I expected πŸ˜‚) I’ve spent a LOT of time on social media...